New to Blogging

So, I am a mom of 2 & work full time. Sometimes it's not easy to find the money to do fun things with the kids. That's when I realized that I don't have to. I have found plenty of things to do with the kids that we all enjoy without spending alot of money. I wish I would have found some of these places sooner but we are enjoying them now. As the kids and I go about on our adventures I am going to blog about the good times we have had and hope that you to will be able to go out and enjoy some as well. Whether it is a walk in the park or a trip to Dutch Wonderland I hope to help you find some inexpensive things to do in this weak economy. Have fun reading my blog and enjoy life with your family!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Kids Castle - Doylestown

My kids love to play at the playground and Kids Castle is the perfect spot for when my sisters and I get together with all of our kids. Since our family ranges for little ones between the ages of 2 years to 9 years old. There is so much for the kids to do here! There are covered picnic tables and a little creak, restrooms, and a walking/bike path. So, if you are ever in the area and the kids are complaining that they are bored, head to Kids Castle and they will not only have a great time, but they will continue to ask to go back!! Oh yeah, and did I mention, it's FREE! No charge to get in and if your kids are like mine, pack a lunch. My kids could play there all day!

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