New to Blogging

So, I am a mom of 2 & work full time. Sometimes it's not easy to find the money to do fun things with the kids. That's when I realized that I don't have to. I have found plenty of things to do with the kids that we all enjoy without spending alot of money. I wish I would have found some of these places sooner but we are enjoying them now. As the kids and I go about on our adventures I am going to blog about the good times we have had and hope that you to will be able to go out and enjoy some as well. Whether it is a walk in the park or a trip to Dutch Wonderland I hope to help you find some inexpensive things to do in this weak economy. Have fun reading my blog and enjoy life with your family!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Waffles / Waffle Stix

So if you are anything like me, you don't have much time in the morning with the kiddies. Mornings consist of waking up yourself and the kids, getting everyone dressed, brushing hair, and then you need to feed everyone before heading out the door. Since I have to leave my house at 7:15am to get everyone to camp/school, and then myself to work on time, breakfast usally consisit of a poptart eaten either while I make lunches (which I know I should do the night before but always forget) or eaten in the car on the way to camp/school. So, a few years ago my mom got me a waffle maker. I used to buy the microwavable ones and heat them up for my son when he was 2. When we moved it was forgotten about... Until now. So, today is Sunday. I made 2 batches of waffle mix (which you can get pretty cheap at any super market), and started making waffles. For every 2 waffles it takes about 6 minutes. The waffle maker I have is good because a green light goes on when they are ready. However the bad part is when I made my first waffles they stuck. So, I sprayed the waffle maker with pam in between and BAM! Perfect waffles. I made 12 total, let them cool, stuck them in freezer bags & put them in the freezer. So, tomorrow when we are getting ready & the kids are hungry I can get the waffles out and stick them in the toaster for a few minutes and they can have a little bit of a healthier breakfast! Saves the time of mixing the ingrediants and waiting 6 minutes for every 2 waffles. Hope you find this helpful!


  1. Got Nuttella for those waffles?

  2. great idea! If you slice some fruit the night before then can add some of that too!
