New to Blogging

So, I am a mom of 2 & work full time. Sometimes it's not easy to find the money to do fun things with the kids. That's when I realized that I don't have to. I have found plenty of things to do with the kids that we all enjoy without spending alot of money. I wish I would have found some of these places sooner but we are enjoying them now. As the kids and I go about on our adventures I am going to blog about the good times we have had and hope that you to will be able to go out and enjoy some as well. Whether it is a walk in the park or a trip to Dutch Wonderland I hope to help you find some inexpensive things to do in this weak economy. Have fun reading my blog and enjoy life with your family!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Churchville Nature Center

I had heard about this nature center and my kids had gone there with their grandmother, but I had never been there myself. One day the kids and I were bored and the weather was nice so I decided to google the directions and after finding out it was only a 5-10 minute drive we got in the car and headed there.

There is a Visitor Center with exhibits, a gift shop, and both indoor and outdoor wildlife viewing areas. There is also 2 miles of nature trails. They offer public programs including bird walks, campfire programs, children's clubs and more.

I had my son's 8th Birthday Party there and they not only taught the kids all about bugs (his theme), but they let them see & touch different types of bugs and then gave them all a net and bug box, and they walked the trails to see if they could find any little critters.
The educator talked to each child about what type of bug they may have found and where to look to find different types of bugs.

We have also now gone to the plant sale that there were having as well as a program about reptiles where they took everyone on a walk in the trails and showed them how to find salamanders!

They are in the process of designing and building a natural play area for children ages 2-12. But my children love just walking the trails and finding animals of all sorts.

You can check them out at their website:

There is no cost to walk the trails and their programs are inexpensive starting at $2 a person. The birthday party that I had for my son was not cheap, but when compared to what I would have paid having it at the bowling ally (again), saved money.

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