New to Blogging

So, I am a mom of 2 & work full time. Sometimes it's not easy to find the money to do fun things with the kids. That's when I realized that I don't have to. I have found plenty of things to do with the kids that we all enjoy without spending alot of money. I wish I would have found some of these places sooner but we are enjoying them now. As the kids and I go about on our adventures I am going to blog about the good times we have had and hope that you to will be able to go out and enjoy some as well. Whether it is a walk in the park or a trip to Dutch Wonderland I hope to help you find some inexpensive things to do in this weak economy. Have fun reading my blog and enjoy life with your family!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lowe's Home Improvement - Build to Grow

I am a mother of two who works full time and is always looking for fun things to do with my kids. I do not have alot of money so anything we can do that is not costly is what I mainly look for.

I have been taking my children (8yrs & 5yrs) to Lowe's for their Build to Grow program for over a year now. The Lowe's in my neighborhood (and I believe it is the same for stores in other neighborhoods) has a free clinic for kids the first and third Saturday of every month.

For your first visit be sure to ask for an apron and eyegear for your child (they are free and your child's to keep). For every project that your child does they not only get to keep the project, but they also get a badge that you can either sew on their apron or apply fabric glue to keep it in place.

You can check on their website to see what projects they are doing and get the specific dates and times.

This past weekend the kids built a U.F.O. and not only had a blast but loved showing it off to their Grandmom, Aunts & Cousins. They are so proud when they are showing it off because it is something that they have built themselves. Other projects have been See it Grow Planters, Monster Trucks, Picture Frames and more.

So, if your child is handy (or even if they are not), check out these clinics! The children do not even realize that they are learning how to follow directions or better hand eye coordination, they just know that they are building something all their own and get to keep what they have built!

After they have built their project take a walk around and check out the deals that Lowe's has to offer on everything from Lumber to Lightbulbs to Birdseed. You don't have to buy anything in order for your children to build the project, but if there is something that you need and you are already there why not?

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