New to Blogging

So, I am a mom of 2 & work full time. Sometimes it's not easy to find the money to do fun things with the kids. That's when I realized that I don't have to. I have found plenty of things to do with the kids that we all enjoy without spending alot of money. I wish I would have found some of these places sooner but we are enjoying them now. As the kids and I go about on our adventures I am going to blog about the good times we have had and hope that you to will be able to go out and enjoy some as well. Whether it is a walk in the park or a trip to Dutch Wonderland I hope to help you find some inexpensive things to do in this weak economy. Have fun reading my blog and enjoy life with your family!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Kids Castle - Doylestown

My kids love to play at the playground and Kids Castle is the perfect spot for when my sisters and I get together with all of our kids. Since our family ranges for little ones between the ages of 2 years to 9 years old. There is so much for the kids to do here! There are covered picnic tables and a little creak, restrooms, and a walking/bike path. So, if you are ever in the area and the kids are complaining that they are bored, head to Kids Castle and they will not only have a great time, but they will continue to ask to go back!! Oh yeah, and did I mention, it's FREE! No charge to get in and if your kids are like mine, pack a lunch. My kids could play there all day!

Waffles / Waffle Stix

So if you are anything like me, you don't have much time in the morning with the kiddies. Mornings consist of waking up yourself and the kids, getting everyone dressed, brushing hair, and then you need to feed everyone before heading out the door. Since I have to leave my house at 7:15am to get everyone to camp/school, and then myself to work on time, breakfast usally consisit of a poptart eaten either while I make lunches (which I know I should do the night before but always forget) or eaten in the car on the way to camp/school. So, a few years ago my mom got me a waffle maker. I used to buy the microwavable ones and heat them up for my son when he was 2. When we moved it was forgotten about... Until now. So, today is Sunday. I made 2 batches of waffle mix (which you can get pretty cheap at any super market), and started making waffles. For every 2 waffles it takes about 6 minutes. The waffle maker I have is good because a green light goes on when they are ready. However the bad part is when I made my first waffles they stuck. So, I sprayed the waffle maker with pam in between and BAM! Perfect waffles. I made 12 total, let them cool, stuck them in freezer bags & put them in the freezer. So, tomorrow when we are getting ready & the kids are hungry I can get the waffles out and stick them in the toaster for a few minutes and they can have a little bit of a healthier breakfast! Saves the time of mixing the ingrediants and waiting 6 minutes for every 2 waffles. Hope you find this helpful!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania

So, again I had heard about the Morris Arboretum but had never been until I was given a membership from a relative for my birthday. Memberships are not "cheap" but if you go alot you get your money's worth. The single day admission is not expensive at all (or at least I don't think it is)

If your children are daring and do not mind heights, they will love the "Out on a Limb" Tree Adventure! They will see what it is like to be a squirrel by being 50 feet up among the trees! There is a huge birds nest with giant robins eggs, or they can scramble onto the netting between the trees!

If you are planning on walking the trails as well, get your "Passport to Tree Adventure" when you first get there (free). It includes a map of the Arboretum, as well as Educational information for kids (and adults). There is a special place for you to stamp your passport as you visit the different stations show on the map. When you are done, head to the gift shop where your kids will receive a "special prize" (a pin) for the completion of the passport.

You will not only get some great excercise while walking the trails, but you will see some interesting things along the way! Besides the adventure in the trees, there is a Rose Garden, Sculptures, and a Garden Railway!

The Railway recently had a Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends weekend. My son loved playing with these trains when he was younger. They will also be having a Circus Week at the railway August 28th-September 6th. If your child is even remotely interested in trains he/she will enjoy seeing these trains!

They also will be having Childrens Concerts in August including music by "Cool Beans" & "Miss Amy". It looks to be a great time and I can't wait to take my kids to these concerts!

You can visit their website to get more information about hours & pricing as well as upcoming events at:
So get your kids off their gaming systems and head outside for some adventure in nature!

Churchville Nature Center

I had heard about this nature center and my kids had gone there with their grandmother, but I had never been there myself. One day the kids and I were bored and the weather was nice so I decided to google the directions and after finding out it was only a 5-10 minute drive we got in the car and headed there.

There is a Visitor Center with exhibits, a gift shop, and both indoor and outdoor wildlife viewing areas. There is also 2 miles of nature trails. They offer public programs including bird walks, campfire programs, children's clubs and more.

I had my son's 8th Birthday Party there and they not only taught the kids all about bugs (his theme), but they let them see & touch different types of bugs and then gave them all a net and bug box, and they walked the trails to see if they could find any little critters.
The educator talked to each child about what type of bug they may have found and where to look to find different types of bugs.

We have also now gone to the plant sale that there were having as well as a program about reptiles where they took everyone on a walk in the trails and showed them how to find salamanders!

They are in the process of designing and building a natural play area for children ages 2-12. But my children love just walking the trails and finding animals of all sorts.

You can check them out at their website:

There is no cost to walk the trails and their programs are inexpensive starting at $2 a person. The birthday party that I had for my son was not cheap, but when compared to what I would have paid having it at the bowling ally (again), saved money.

Home Depot - Kids Workshop

As a former employee of Home Depot (I worked there when I was 18), I used to assist kids doing these projects. They are similar to the projects done at Lowe's but also different. I can remember taking my little brother to these clinics when they were under 10 (they are now 23, 21, & 19).

Home Depot offers these clinics for kids the first Saturday of every month and like the Lowe's projects they are also free. Your children will get a free apron and after completing a project they will receive a pin to put on their apron.

These clinics are also free and you can find out the dates ad times as well as what craft is going to be built by going to their website and typing in "Kids Workshops" in the search field.

Projects coming up include a School Bus Pencil Organizer (Aug. 7th) and a Football Display (Sept. 4th).

When it is fire prevention month the Home Depot in my neighborhood will usually build a Fire Truck and also have the local Fire Company out to let the kids see what a real Fire Truck looks like up close. They have also given out Fire Prevention Coloring books for the kids.

My kids have a great time at these clinics and we try to get to them all. Sometimes life makes it hard to do the things we love, but because this does not cost a thing and money is tight, I do my best to get the kids to every clinic. They see some of their friends there too, because we are at the local store.
The employees are always friendly and eager to help when your child with their project. This comes in handy when you have more then one child and both need help. Then little hammers they supply for the kids to use are just perfect for their little hands!
So, check them out and get building!!

Lowe's Home Improvement - Build to Grow

I am a mother of two who works full time and is always looking for fun things to do with my kids. I do not have alot of money so anything we can do that is not costly is what I mainly look for.

I have been taking my children (8yrs & 5yrs) to Lowe's for their Build to Grow program for over a year now. The Lowe's in my neighborhood (and I believe it is the same for stores in other neighborhoods) has a free clinic for kids the first and third Saturday of every month.

For your first visit be sure to ask for an apron and eyegear for your child (they are free and your child's to keep). For every project that your child does they not only get to keep the project, but they also get a badge that you can either sew on their apron or apply fabric glue to keep it in place.

You can check on their website to see what projects they are doing and get the specific dates and times.

This past weekend the kids built a U.F.O. and not only had a blast but loved showing it off to their Grandmom, Aunts & Cousins. They are so proud when they are showing it off because it is something that they have built themselves. Other projects have been See it Grow Planters, Monster Trucks, Picture Frames and more.

So, if your child is handy (or even if they are not), check out these clinics! The children do not even realize that they are learning how to follow directions or better hand eye coordination, they just know that they are building something all their own and get to keep what they have built!

After they have built their project take a walk around and check out the deals that Lowe's has to offer on everything from Lumber to Lightbulbs to Birdseed. You don't have to buy anything in order for your children to build the project, but if there is something that you need and you are already there why not?